HavenoMain created new instance of Haveno

HavenoMain | 25 May 2024

We’re delighted to have oportunity to start new instance of Haveno

Haveno is very important project for Monero community

Fees will be split as follows:

50% of fees will go the team running the network, arbitrators (1%)

50% of fees will be split between Legacy fees and Haveno Fund (most likely bigger part) (1%)

View key of the HavenoFund is below so community could track incoming payments.

Secret view key: 73a87199119d34f932762352c32b533317a8f87b1c47dc767f02c80f01d74a07 Address: 484x2eDvXrfNCm7AtZ8Pb9Xfy8hoEuwHQTCTDREs1WpvTzfTdzPvcZK5u7sHpgtgcZY8xDMHo8tHtW5GJYBenmrkAnFQoaN Restore height: 3155235 Wallet name: HavenoFund

Legacy fees will be determined in near future.

An update will be posted when binaries are ready and network is up

HavenoMain Team

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